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Strategies to Enhance Performance of Carbon-Based Electrode Material for Capacitive Deionization
李 云1孙 婧1李洪祥1张树鹏2李启蒙1史宸菲1何 欢1杨绍贵1李时银1张显球1宋海欧1
(1.南京师范大学环境学院,江苏 南京 210023)
(2.南京理工大学化学与化工学院,江苏 南京 210094)
Li Yun1Sun Jing1Li Hongxiang1Zhang Shupeng2Li Qimeng1Shi Chenfei1 He Huan1Yang Shaogui1Li Shiyin1Zhang Xianqiu1Song Haiou1
(1.School of Environment,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
(2.School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering,Nanjing University of Science and Technology,Nanjing 210094,China)
capacitive deionizationmodification of carbon materialperformance enhancement
电容去离子(CDI)技术是一种新型环境友好的盐水淡化技术,其中电极材料是提升CDI性能的核心. 碳材料源于低成本、耐腐蚀等优势,使其在电吸附应用中一直占有重要研究地位,但是,碳材料的脱盐能力并不理想,需要从多个维度进行修饰改性. 本文综述了孔隙结构、比表面积、导电性、亲水性对碳材料性能的影响. 同时,总结了制备方法、材料复合、杂原子掺杂、表面官能化等改性方法. 碳材料的有效改性、碳源选择及抗污染性均是未来的主要研究方向.
Capacitive deionization(CDI)technology is a new environmentally friendly salt water desalination technology,in which electrode materials are the core to enhance the performance of CDI. It is due to the advantages of low cost,corrosion resistance,etc. that carbon materials have always occupied an important research position in electrosorption applications. However,the desalination ability of carbon materials is not ideal and needs to be enhanced from multiple dimensions. This paper reviews the effects of pore structure,specific surface area,conductivity,and hydrophilicity on the properties of carbon materials. At the same time,it summarizes modification methods such as preparation methods,material recombination,heteroatom doping,and surface functionalization. Effective modification of carbon materials,carbon source selection and pollution resistance are the main research directions in the future.


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通讯作者:宋海欧,博士,教授,研究方向:光电化学方法对毒害污染物的去除与资源化. E-mail:songhaiou2011@126.com; 张显球,博士,副教授,研究方向:膜法水处理技术、污水生态处理. E-mail:zhangxianqiu@njnu.e
更新日期/Last Update: 2022-12-15