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Design on the Longitudinal-Flexural Composite Mode Ultrasonic Transducer(PDF)


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Design on the Longitudinal-Flexural Composite Mode Ultrasonic Transducer
Zhang Yongyuan1Zhang Tao1.2Wu Shengju3Wei Hongbing3
1.Department of Basic Courses,Xi’an University of Science and Technology,Xi’an 710054,China
2. Inst itute ofA cou stics, Nan jing Un ivers ity, Nan jing 210093, Ch in a
3. A pp lied Acoust ics In stitu te, Shaanx iNorm alUn ivers ity, Xi‘an 710062, Ch ina
long itudina-l flexural com po site v ibra tions regu lar hex agon th in plate sandw iched transducer resonance frequency
In th is paper, a long itudina-l flexural composite mode ultrason ic transducer com po sed o f the sandw ich long itud ina lmode ultrason ic transducer and the flexural regu lar hex agon plate is stud ied. Th is paper adopts FEM ( fin ite e lem ent m ethod) to analyze the patte rn o f the regu lar hexagon p la tesw hich have a certa in g eom etr ic s ize and a free border, and then gets a pattern wh ich has the largest cen tral displacem en t. And then th is paper des igns a long itud ina-l flexura l com posite m ode u ltrasonic transducer w ith the pattern. s frequency as the resonance frequency. The experim ent shows the measured frequency is in ag reement w ith the theoretica l va lues and correspondent w ith the standard of des ign. The transducer designed and produced here is ava ilable for them easurem ent in spec ia l cond itions, and is a lso ava ilab le in super sonic biolog ica l treatm ent and sonochem istry reactor serv ices. W ha t w e have done is bene fic ia l to obta in ing the vibra tion features and the acoustic field d istribution o f the transducer, wh ich are sign ificant for the applica tion.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05