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Preparation and its Supercapacitor Performance of Nickel Oxide Doped With Copper(PDF)


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Preparation and its Supercapacitor Performance of Nickel Oxide Doped With Copper
Yu Yanqing1Zhou Yiming1Dai Yuehua1Zhang Li1Wu Yue1Tang Yawen1Lu Tianhong12Shen Tao3
1.School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
2. Changchun Ins titu te ofApp lied Chem istry, Ch in ese Academ y of Sciences, Changchun 130022, Ch ina
3. JiangsuH ighstar G roup C om pany, Q idong 226200, Ch ina
n ickel ox ide copper doped supercapac itor so lid-state reaction at low-heating temperature
N icke l hydrox ide doped w ith and w ithout Cu were synthes ized by so lid-state reaction at lowheating tem perature. Then they w ere annea led in a ir a t 300℃ to obta in n ickel ox ide. The e lectrochem ica l m easurem ents show ed that the better d ischarge caac ity o f N iO cou ld be obta ined w hen the m ole ra tio o f N i to Cu w as 100:0. 25, w ith the spec ific capac itance a round 99~ 120 F /g, and tha t o f the undoped samp le a round only 83~ 111 F/ g.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05