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Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties of 3-(4-acetylaminophenyl)-Indolizine Derivatives(PDF)


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Synthesis and Fluorescence Properties of 3-(4-acetylaminophenyl)-Indolizine Derivatives
Wu JingLi LaifaShen YongmiaoWang BingxiangShen Jian
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Jiangsu Engineering Research Center of Biomedical Function Materials,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
ace ty lam inophenylindo lizine fluorescence spectrum fluo rescence senso r
Two 3-( 4-am inopheny l)- indo lizines ( 4a- 4b ) and two 3-( 4-acety lam inopheny l) - indo lizine der ivatives ( 5a- 5b) w ere syn thesized. The fluo rescence spec tra and fluo rescence quantum y ie lds o f the compounds ( 4a- 4b, 5a- 5b) w ere exam ined. Itw as found tha t 3-( 4-ace ty lam inophenyl)- indolizine derivatives ( 5a- 5b) hav e d ifferent Stoke’ s sh ifts and increased fluo rescence quantum y ie lds compared w ith the corresponding 3-( 4-am inopheny l) - indo lizines ( 4a- 4b) . Therefore, the indo lizines ( 5a- 5b ) m ay be used as fluorescence senso r for carbox ylic acid compounds


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Last Update: 2013-05-05