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Purification of Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase From Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus JW200(PDF)


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Purification of Acetaldehyde Dehydrogenase From Thermoanaerobacter ethanolicus JW200
Peng Hui1Mao Zhonggui1Wu Guogan2Shao Weilan12*
1.The Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology Under Ministry of Education,Southern Yangtze University,Wuxi 214036,China
2. The Key Laboratory ofM icrob iolE ngineering, Nan jing Norm alUn ivers ity, Nan j ing 210097, Ch in a
ace taldehyde dehydrogenase Thermoanaerobacter ethano licus pur ification
A aceta ldehyde dehydrogenase ( CoA-acety la ting) w hich is one o f the key enzym es o f the a lco- ho lm etabo lic pathw ay w as pur ified from Thermoanaerobacter ethano licus JW 200 through follow ing steps: ① ion exchang e chrom atography on DEAE-Sepharose Fast Flow, ② amm on ium su lfate fractionation w ith saturation 30% and hydrophob ic in teraction chrom atography on Butyl- H IC, ③ amm onium su lfate frac tionation w ith saturation 80% and hydrophob ic interac tion chrom atography on Bu ty l-H IC, ④ ge l filtration on TOYOPEARL HW - 55F. The pur ified enzyme showed a sing le band on SDS-po lyac ry lam ide ge l e lec tropho resis w ith a pu rifica tion o f 910 fo ld, and a y ie ld o f 7%. The mo lecu la rw e ight o f the subun it and the w ho le enzyme w ere estim ated by SDS-PAGE and g radation PAGE as 100 000 and 360 000, respective ly.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05