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Asymmetry Parameter of the Z-Scan Traces Using Top-Hat Laser Beam(PDF)


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Asymmetry Parameter of the Z-Scan Traces Using Top-Hat Laser Beam
Pan WenTao HongGu Bing
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
non linear optics Z-scan technique asymm etry param eter non linear refraction
The re la tionsh ip of the asymm e try param eterA, w hich is the ratio of the re lative m agn itudes of the peak and va lley for theZ-scan traces using top-hat spatia l pro file beam, w ith the linear transm ittance o f the far-fie ld ape rture S and the th ird-order non linear refractiv e phase shift φ 1, w as investig ated in de ta i.l For the Kerr op tica l non linear medium A = 1, imp ly ing that the re la tivem agnitude of va lley is equa l to the peak’ s, is independence o f φ 1 a tS = 0.156. Tak ing this pa rticularly v alue S, it is easy to norm a l ize the Z-scan traces from the exper im enta l v iewpo int. The influence o f the high order non linear ity on A w as also analyzed. A new m ethod, wh ich could iden tify whether the sam ple exh ibits the higher-orde r non linearity o r not and its sign from a single top-ha tZ-scan trace, was introduced.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05