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Periodic Distortion of Biaxial Nematics Liquid Crystal Induced by External Magnetic Field(PDF)


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Periodic Distortion of Biaxial Nematics Liquid Crystal Induced by External Magnetic Field
Zhang QilinLiu Hong
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
b iax ia l nem atic liqu id crysta l periodic d isto rtion e lastic constants
The e lastic theo ry of biax ia l nem atics w as used to study the period ic distortion in an externa l field. Num erical resu lts o f thresho ld fie ld a re ob tained for g iven elastic constants, and an analytic re lation am ong e lastic constants fo r the sy stem w he re a periodic d istortion can ocurr is der ived. Resu lts show tha t for these system s, at g iven values o f Saupe’ s e lastic constants C2 bc /K ba, K cc /K ba, K b b /K ba must be sm a ller than a cr itica l va lue kc. When C2 bc /K ba increases, kc increases, w hen K cc /K ba decreases, kc increases. H ere, K bb, Kcc are the tw ist e lastic constants of d irectors a, c around b, a, b around c respectively. K ba is coupled constant of a sp lay, b bend. Cb c is a coupled elastic te rm for b, c bend. K ey


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Last Update: 2013-05-05