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Another Novel Crystal Form of Nateglinide(PDF)


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Another Novel Crystal Form of Nateglinide
Cheng YongkeLi GangHuang Changgao
Test and Analysis Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
nateglin ide X-ray pow der d iffract ion d if feren tial scan calorim etry h igh perform ance liqu id chromatography elem ental analysis
In th is paper, anoth er novel crystal form ofn ateg lin ide cal led X2- form w as found. Its stru cture w as charac terized by X-ray powd er d iffract ion, elem ental analys is, h igh perform ance liqu id ch rom atography, and d ifferent ial scan calorim etry. The patterns and data of th e n ew form related w ere g iven.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05