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Advances in State-Dependent Differential Equation With Impulsive(PDF)


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Advances in State-Dependent Differential Equation With Impulsive
Tan Yuanshun12Tao Fengmei13Chen Lanshun1
1.Department of Applied Mathematics,Dalian University of Technology,Dalian116024,China
2. D epartm ent ofM ath em at ics and Physics, Chongq ing J iaotong U nivers ity, Chongqing 400074, Ch ina
 3. Departm en t ofM athem atics, Anshan Norma lCo llege, Anshan 116024, Ch in a
sta te-dependen t im pu lsive d ifferentia l equation advances
A brief introduction about advances o f sta te-dependen t d ifferen tia l equation w ith im pu ls ive is prov ided as w e ll as its m ethods and too ls sim ulating the com plex phenomena o f the eco-m ode ls. It a lso app lies tom ore nonlinear eco-system s


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Last Update: 2013-05-05