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Influence of Different Refining Methods on the Content of Four Active Components in Si-Ni-San(PDF)


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Influence of Different Refining Methods on the Content of Four Active Components in Si-Ni-San
Liu HaiYang XinghaoZi PengLiu FeiKuang Huifen
Pharmaceutical R&D Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
sin isan a lcoho l sedim entation ultra filtration m acroporous resin abso rption sa ikosapon in a paeon iflo rin nar ing in g lycyrrh izic ac id
The decoction o f S in isan w as refined respectively by alcoho l sedim entation, u ltrafiltra tion, and m acroporous res in abso rption. The refining effects we re com pared acco rd ing to con tent o f the active com ponents and y ield o f the dry extract. The recovery o f sa ikosapon in a ( 87.29% ) by u ltrafiltration was quite rem arkable, the recovery o f paeon iflo rin ( 85. 04% ) and naring in ( 93. 52% ) by a lcoho l sedim enta tion were the h ighest. M acroporous resin recovered most of sa ikosapon in a ( 88. 14% ) and naring in ( 85. 57% ), and it also decreased the y ield of dry extract by the largest amount, therefore enriched the active com ponen ts. To develop a sc ientific and feasible refin ing process of S i- N i- San, the content o f several kinds o f active components, rathe r than on ly one k ind, shou ld be mon itored.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05