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Utilization of Biomass Energy and Exploitation of Energy Plant(PDF)


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Utilization of Biomass Energy and Exploitation of Energy Plant
Zhang WeimingShi JinsongGu Gongping
Nanjing Academy of the Comprehensive Utilization of Wild Plant,Nanjing 210042,China
energy p lant biomass bioethanol biodiesel
Biomass is a clean and renewable resource that could be sustainably developed in the future. It has been recognized as a major world renewable energy source to supp lement declining fossil fuel re sources. Bioethanol and biodiesel have been developed quickly in the world. The main utilization of bio mass and the development of three kinds of energy p lant were summarized in this paper. In addition, the special energy p lant species, such as Euphorbia lathy ris, Jatropha curcaswere recommended in considera tion of China hendeca-fifth technology development p rogram.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05