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Cluster Analysis to the Genus Erysiphe of China(PDF)


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Cluster Analysis to the Genus Erysiphe of China
Zhong ChenggangYang JiaSun ZiliWang MeixiaChen Shuanglin
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
Ery siphe c luster ana lysis
Based on 28 codingm orpholog ica l charac ters, 66 spec ies-samp les o f the genusE ry siphe o f Ch i na we re conducted on system ic c luster ana lysis byUPGMA in o rde r to study the classification at the spe cies level objective ly. The resu lt show ed that the host w as one of them ost important standa rds of c lassifi ca tion. Itw as unsu itable to d iv ide the genus into some groups. The v iewpo int that the new g enusN eoerys iphe was erec ted as the type species w ith Ery siphe galeop sid is, and E. hyp er ici and E. trifo lii w ere trans fered into genusM icrosphaera could not be agreed w ith.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05