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Natural Boundary Element Method for an Anisotropic Problem in an Exterior Elliptic Domain(PDF)


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Natural Boundary Element Method for an Anisotropic Problem in an Exterior Elliptic Domain
Zhao Zixia Du Qikui
School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
aniso trop ic prob lem H e lm ho ltz equa tion exter io r e lliptic problem natural boundary reduction
The na tura l boundary elem entm e thod for an aniso trop ic prob lem o fH e lm ho ltz equation in an exter io r elliptic dom a in is investigated. By the princ ip le of natura l boundary reduc tion, the natura l integ ral equa tion and the Po isson integ ra l fo rmu la o f th is problem are obtained, and a num er ica lm ethod o f the natura l integ ral equa tion is discussed. F ina-l ly, som e num er ica l examp les are presented to demonstrate the perfo rmance o f th ism e thod


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Last Update: 2013-05-05