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Improvement of Efficiency in FDTD Modeling of Homogeneous Unmagnetized Plasma(PDF)


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Improvement of Efficiency in FDTD Modeling of Homogeneous Unmagnetized Plasma
Kong Xiangkun12 An Li1 Su Jun1Yang Hongwei1
( 1. College of Science, N an jing AgriculturalU n ivers ity, N an jing 210095, C h ina)
( 2. Departm ent of Foundat ion, Zhen j iangW atercraf tC ollege of the PLA, Zhen jiang 212003, Ch ina)
plasm a e lectrom agneticw ave FDTD m e thod
The sh ift opera tor finite-d ifference tim e-dom ain( SO-FDTD) m ethod is presented for d ispersive m ed ia. The perm ittiv ity o f dispers ive med ia is w r itten as rational polynom ia l function. The relation betw een D and E is der ived in tim e dom a in. In th is paper, the SO-FDTD m ethod is applied to sim ulate the e lectrom agnetic w ave propag ation in hom ogeneous unm agne tized plasma. The accu racy of the m ethod is verified by compar ing the so lution of ZT-FDTD. TheNum erical resu lts a lso show that the SO-FDTD m ethod is v ery e fficient and its calculation occupies few er com puter resources.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05