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Analysis of Selective Acidic Hydrolysis Product of Chlorophyll and Its Interaction With Bovine Serum Albumin(PDF)


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Analysis of Selective Acidic Hydrolysis Product of Chlorophyll and Its Interaction With Bovine Serum Albumin
Tang Lei1 Xu Lei1 Han Yue1 Shao Weilan2 Tao Guanjun3 Qin Fang3
( 1. The Key Laboratory of Indu strial B iotechno logy, M in is try of Educat ion, J iangn anU n ivers ity, Wuxi 214122, Ch ina)
( 2. S chool ofL ife S cien ce, Nan jing Norm alU n iversity, Nan jing 210046, Ch ina)
( 3. Testing andAn alysis Cen ter, J iangnan Un iversity, Wux i214122, Ch ina)
phe iphorbide a bov ine serum a lbum in liqu id chroma tog raphy-mass spectrom etry fluorescence spectroscopy
A s a photosensitizer pheophorb ide a ( Pheide a) is used in pho todynam ic therapy. In th is study, preparation o f phe ide a from a chlorophy llm ix ture utilizing the se lec tive hydro lys is and silica chrom atography separation w as invest-i ga ted. The ana ly sis o f product using liquid chroma tog raphy-mass spectrom etry ( LC -M S) w ith photod iode array detector showed that its absorption spectra and m o lecularw e ight w ere the sam e w ith phe ide a. Its interaction w ith bov ine serum a lbum in( BSA) was studied w ith fluorescence spectra. The resu lts ind icated tha t pheide a bound to BSA w ith a 1B1 adduct form ed, wh ich caused the sta tic fluo rescence quench ing o f BSA. The b ind ing constan t is 5.0 × 105 L /mol .


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Last Update: 2013-05-05