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Culture Conditions and Character of Extracellular Enzyme ACC Deaminase Excreted by Bacterium Strain XG32(PDF)


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Culture Conditions and Character of Extracellular Enzyme ACC Deaminase Excreted by Bacterium Strain XG32
Shen Ping Liu Weihong Yan Shuzhen Chen Shuanglin
School of Life Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
bacter ium ACC deam inase enzym atic activ ity
In orde r to investigate optim al cu lture conditions and the charac ter o fACC( 1-am inocy clopropane- 1 carboxy-l ic ac id) deam inase excreted by bac terium stra in XG32, exper im ents were done to de term ine the e ffect on the enzym a tic ac tiv ity under different cond itions, inc luding concentration of inducerACC in cu lture m ed ium, culture tem pera ture and pH, w hile tim e process o f ACC deam inase w as a lso assayed. Then we m easured the activ ity and stability of the enzym e under d ifferent temperatures, pH and m eta ls. The results ind icated tha t the ACC deam inase could be induced on ly when the inducer ex isted and the tem peraturew as abov e 5℃ , and pH w as above 5.5. The enzym atic y ield reached the highest when the cu lture temperature w as 25℃ and cu lture pH was 7.0 to 8. 0. The enzym a tic y ie ld constantly increased in 24 hours after inducer was added, and then dec lined. A s for activ ity, the optim al temperatu re of ACC deam inase was 30℃approx im ately. The enzym atic activ ity a lm ost d isappeared w hen it was 65℃ . The enzym e had a preferab le stab ility a t pH 7. 5~ 9. 5. M oreov er, ions Cu 2+ and Zn 2+ cou ld activate the ACC deam inase, w hileH g 2+ and Ag+ cou ld inhib it the enzym e ac tiv ity. In conc lusion, theACC deam inase is sensitive to the substance. Thatm eans a little o f this kind o f enzym e can decom pose ACC in natural env ironm ent. How ever, the enzym e is sensitive to the circumstance, and its stab ility is on ly a t a certa in ex tens ion.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05