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Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine on Immunity Function of Eriocheir Sinensis(PDF)


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Effect of Chinese Herbal Medicine on Immunity Function of Eriocheir Sinensis
Liu Liping Xue Hui Zhou Gang
Jiangsu Institute of Freshwater Fisheries, Nanjing 210017, China
E rioche ir sinensis Chinese herba l com pound non-spec ific immunity immunity indices
S ix ind ices o f non-specific imm un ityw erem easured a fter Er ioche ir sinensis were fed w ith Chinese he rbal com pound as add itive to norm a l food for 30 day s. There w ere s ignificant differences on phagocy tic activ ities between experi m enta l and contro l g roup by usingT test( P < 0. 05). Therew ere h ighly sign ificant d iffe rences on bacte rio lytic and phe nolyx idase activ ities. But therew ere no s ignificant d ifferences on antibacter ia l and POD activ ities. These resu lts indica ted that the Ch inese herbal m ed ic ine m ight sign ificantly elevate the non-spec ific immunity o f c rab. The Ch inese herbal m ed icine used in the fie lds could effic iently prev ent the occurrence of crab disease and increase the surv iva l ra te o f crab compared w ith the contro l g roup a fter the crabs w ere attacked w ith Aerom ans tydroph ila CL99920.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05