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Reflections and Measures for the Construction of Jiangsu Coastal Energy Axes(PDF)


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Reflections and Measures for the Construction of Jiangsu Coastal Energy Axes
Hu Yuling Zhao Yuan
School of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
energy resource layout o f the sea-front industries the ax is o f energy rescou rces inshore Jiang
Firstly, the paper ana lyses the foundations and prob lem s of ene rgy in Jiang su Prov ince, and then the paper expatia tes the cond itions o f the location, energy, c lim ate, econom y and po lic ies. Fina lly, the pape r b rings fo rw ard the rational counte rm easures o f the construction o f the energy inshore axes in Jiang su Prov ince: ( 1) utilize the sing le nuc leus pow er sta tion, and converge the forces to develop nuc leus pow er insho re. ( 2) exp lo it the resource o f w ind, to bu ild the industry strap o fw ind. ( 3) m ake the best use o f the”no rth-south coa l transfer“ channels on the sea, to exert advantages of havens. ( 4) learn the deve lopm ent exper ience o f the overseas m ature po rts, to advance the function of ports


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Last Update: 2013-05-05