1.Remote Sense Collage, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China;2.School of Geography Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
In th is article, through ana ly zing the character istics o f urban spatia l distribution o f Jiangsu coastal reg ion, it is po inted out that the inconsequence o f urban spatial distr ibution is the m ain reason for restr icting economy deve loping o f coasta l reg ion. Firstly, form er deve lopm en t stra teg ies are stud ied in deta ils. And then, it is put forward that harbors should be tied up c lo se w ith strateg ies fo r u rban spatia l distribution and econom y deve loping of coastal reg ion. At the sam e tim e, fanlike com bined d istr ibu tion is adopted in order to drive coastal urban reg iona l system to develop w e l.l In add ition, som e adv ices are presented for th is m ode l to be optim ized