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The Traits of Intra-urban Migration in Nanjing and Its Direction of Uptown Development in Future(PDF)


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The Traits of Intra-urban Migration in Nanjing and Its Direction of Uptown Development in Future
Zhou Kan Yang Shan
School of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
intra-urban m ig ration uptow n deve lopm ent Nan jing city
W ith the ex tension o f c ity sca le, w orkplaces o f c itizens are detached from the ir liv ing space, wh ich leads to the d iversifica tion and indiv iduation o f citizen’ lifesty les, mo re freedom o f residents in the se lection of liv ing space and increasing dem ands of c itizens in m obility and trave ling. In a w ord, the pre ference and in itiative of ind iv idua ls p lays a much m ore important ro le in nowaday c itizens’ activ ities and behav iors. A ll these changes prove the necessity of the conv ers ion in interpreting c ity activ ity d im ension, from econom ica l aspect to soc ial and cultural aspec t. Th is pape r is based on the questionna ires fu lfilled by c itizens in Nanjing. By analyzing indiv idual info rm ation, fam ily characteristics, m igrant process and reasons form ig ra tion, it eva luates the presen t situation of uptown deve lopm ent in Nanjing c ity and pred icts the direction o f deve lopm ent in the future, so as to be of som e help to re la ted departm ents inm aking dec isions o f urban liv ing space.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05