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Star Extremality of a Class of Incidence Graphs(PDF)


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Star Extremality of a Class of Incidence Graphs
Xu Kexiang12Yan Juan13
( 1. School ofMathem atics and Com puter S cien ce, Nan jing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210097, Ch ina)
( 2. College of Science, Nan jing U nivers ity of Aeronau tics and Astronaut ics, N an jing 210016, C h ina)
( 3. C ollege ofM athem atics and System S cien ces, X in jiang Un iversity, U lmoq i830046, Ch ina)
inc idence graph c irculan t graph star ex trem a l
Inc idence g raph I ( Cn ) o f Cn had been proved to be a c irculant graph. It w as shown that these inc idence g raphs I (Cn ) o f a ll Cn and som e g raphs re la ted to I (Cn ) w ere star ex trem a.l The c ircular chrom atic num ber and the fractional chrom atic number of these g raphs w ere obta ined w ith ism o rph ic.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05