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Research on the Denotation of the Quantum Effects for a Mesoscopic Biological Cell by Wehrl Entropy(PDF)


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Research on the Denotation of the Quantum Effects for a Mesoscopic Biological Cell by Wehrl Entropy
Xu XingleiXu ShiminWang Shuai
Department of Physics,Key Laboratory of Quantum Communication and Calculation,Heze College,Heze 274015,China
W ehrl entropy therm a l harm onic osc illa to r m eso scop ic b io log ical ce ll quantum fluctuation
By using the in fo rm ation-theo re tic Wehrl en tropy, theW ehrl entropy of a harm onic o sc illator is obta ined in therma l fie ld. Them esoscop ic b io log ica l ce ll is equ iva lent w ith the therm al harm onic o sc illato r. The re lation between the W ehrl en tropy and the quantum effects o fm esoscop ic b io log ical ce ll is studied in therm a l field. These resu lts show that theW ehrl en tropy is related not on ly to the engen frequency, but also to the tem pera ture. And the quantum fluc tuation and the correspond ing uncertain ty re lation o f current and vo ltag e g row w ith increas ing the W ehr l entropy and becom e sm a llw ith decreasing theW ehrl en tropy. So theW ehrl entropy is regarded as a best m easurem ent of the quantum effec ts o fm eso scop ic b io log ical ce ll equiva lent c ircuit.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05