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Cyclodextrin:The Stationary Phase for Chiral Separation(PDF)


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Cyclodextrin:The Stationary Phase for Chiral Separation
Wang Dongxin
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
cyc lodex tr ins ch ira l separation enan tiom ers
The construction and properties of cyc lodex tr ins are rev iewed. The possiblem echanism of chiral separation o f cyc lodex tr ins is expla ined briefly. The der iva tives of cyc lodex tr ins and the ir applications in ch ira l separation a re introduced. In recent years new der ivatives o f cy clodextrins and application of new m ethods expanded the area o f ch ira l separa tion o f cyclodextrins.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05