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Dynamic Study on the Non-Allee and Allee System of Two-competitive Species(PDF)


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Dynamic Study on the Non-Allee and Allee System of Two-competitive Species
Chen LinglingLin Zhenshan
School of Geographic Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Environmental Change and Ecological Construction,Nanjing 210046,China
A llee effect two competitive spec ies equ ilibrium com petitive coex istence competitiv e exc lusion
A llee e ffect is introduced in to the tw o-com pe titive species system to establish a tw o-species dynam ic model subject to theA llee effect, and the non-A llee and A llee system of tw o-com pe titive spec ies are indiv idually sim ulated. Num er ica l sim ulation results show tha t: ( 1) TheA llee effect cou ld lead tom ultiple stable sta tes in the two- spec ies competitive sy stem. ( 2) It causes the coex istence impossible and ev en ex tinction of both spec ies. U ltim ate equilib rium w ill be changed w ith in itia l patch occupancies. ( 3) W ith competitiv e exc lusion, theA llee e ffect cou ld cause all spec ies to go ex tinction. The stronger the A llee effect is, the shorter the spec ies’ surv iva l per iod wou ld be. It degrades the super ior spec ies to be infe rio r and upg rades the in ferior superior, sim ilar in hab itat destruction a ffecting the spec ies eco log ical order. ( 4) As a destab ilizing factor in stab ility and in spec ies persistence in the evo lvement, it w ill significantly affect the equ ilibr ium even if it is slightly changed. M oreove r, h igh in itia l patch occupanc ies m ay he lp persistence o f those go ing ex tinction, wh ich dem onstra tes A llee effec tm ust be fu lly considered in the process of ra re anim a ls pro tection.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05