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Preparation and Drug-releasing Performance Research of Polylactic Acid-cefazolin Sodium Microspheres(PDF)


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Preparation and Drug-releasing Performance Research of Polylactic Acid-cefazolin Sodium Microspheres
Feng Xiaojian12Wang Wei12Zhao Min1
( 1. S chool of Ch em istry and Environm ental S cience, Nan jing N orm alUn ivers ity, N an jing 210097, C hina)
( 2. S tate K ey Laboratory of So lid S tateM icrostru cture, N an jing Un ivers ity, Nanj ing 210093, Ch in a)
double em ulsion m e thod drug- releasing poly lac tic ac id ce fa zolin sod ium m icrosphere
The PLA-CEZ m icrosphe res w ere prepared successfu lly by the doub le emu ls ion m ethod and were character ized by scann ing electron m ic roscope ( SEM ) , differential therm al ana lys is ( DTA) and IR spec tro scopy. The resu lts demonstrated that the PLA-CEZ m icrospheres w ere spher ica l and po lylactic ac id m ing led togethe rw ith cefazo lin sod ium. The e ffects of m o lecularw e ight of PLA and m ed ium on the drug- re leasing perform ance of the PLA m icro spheres w ere a lso investiga ted.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05