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RAPD Analysis of Genome DNA on the Amictic Female and Male of Brachionus calyciflorus(Rotifera:Monogononta)(PDF)


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RAPD Analysis of Genome DNA on the Amictic Female and Male of Brachionus calyciflorus(Rotifera:Monogononta)
Li DamingLu JianmingYang JiaxinXu Xiaofeng
School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
B rachionus calycif lorus RAPD am ictic fem a le ma le gene tic background
In o rde r to acqure the know ledge o f the genetic backgrounds wh ich lead to the sex differentiation o fBrachionus caly cif lorus( Ro tifera), the genom ic DNA of am ictic fem ale and m ale o fB rachionus calycif lorus w as analyzed by RAPD techno logy. One o rm ore spec ia l bands w as g enerated by 10 prim ers of 30 tested pr im ers in am ictic fema le o rm a le rotifer and it showed the genetic backg rounds difference between am ictic fema le and m ale. By repeated testing, spec ial bands can be produced stably by pr im ers B15 and B18 respectively in am ictic fem a le and m a le ro tifer. The spec ia l band w as separated, c loned and sequenced. The sequence resu lts w ere subm itted to GenB ank and the accession num bers w ere: AY907696 and AY898611. W e found there were no any high hom ology sequence m atching to the tw o sequences and it showed that they cou ld be new DNA sequence.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05