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Interface Design of Web Map Based on Usability Engineering Idea——The Case of Nanjing Normal University Campus Web Map(PDF)


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Interface Design of Web Map Based on Usability Engineering Idea——The Case of Nanjing Normal University Campus Web Map
Shen JieShi JunfeiWang Meizhen
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
usability eng ineer ing web m ap inter face design
Based on the investiga tion and ana lys is o fw eb m ap and the interface design, w e noticed tha t the in terface des ign of m any web m ap are lack of conside ration of user. Th is pape r introduced usab ility eng ineer ing and its design m ethod, comb ined it w ith var ious aspects o f w eb m ap interface design and explored the inte rface des igning process o f w eb m ap based on usab ility eng inee ring. W e took the cam pus w eb m ap o f Nan jing No rm al University as ex amp le, designed the in terface aim ing at d ifferent functiona l requ irem ents of studen ts, teachers according to usab ility eng inee ring idea.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05