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Research on Blue Chlorophosphate Fluorescence Powder From Rare Earth(PDF)


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Research on Blue Chlorophosphate Fluorescence Powder From Rare Earth
Chen PengZhu YuehuaHuang Ruxi
Institute of Light Sources,Nanjing University of Technology,Nanjing 210015,China
rare earth blue fluo rescent pow de r ch lo rophosphate tribasic fluorescen t powder
Rega rding the alum ina te fluorescent pow der, wh ich is used w ide ly at present, there are som e rem a ining issues in resea rch on its properties and prepara tion m ethods. In teg ra ted research has been done on the fluorescent pow der from ra re earth, then a new type of b lue fluorescen t ch lo rophosphate pow de rw as syn thesized. The preparation m e thods were shown; the testing resu lts w ere ana ly zed; the facto rs, w hich affect its lum inescent and physica l properties, w ere compared and discussed; the com par ison w ith the alum inate fluo rescent powder has been done as w el,l from the aspec ts o f syn thesis cond itions, production pro cess, requirem ents of raw m a terials and lum inescent properties. The results show ed tha t the b lue powder synthesized by the new m ethod exceeds the a lum inate fluorescent powder from the aspects of bo th capab ility and technics. W ith the lowe r cost, it show s a huge opportun ity in application.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05