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Cloning and Sequencing of groEL From Wolbachia Endosymbiont in Laodelphax striatellus Fallén(PDF)


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Cloning and Sequencing of groEL From Wolbachia Endosymbiont in Laodelphax striatellus Fallén
Ji YinghuaShi WenqiCheng ZhaobangZhou TongLin LingFan YongjianZhou Yijun
Institute of Plant Protection,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Science,Nanjing 210014,China
Laodelphax s tr ia tellus endosymb iont W olbach ia sequence analysis groEL
G roEL g ene from W olbachia endosym biont in sm all brown p lant-hoppe r( Laodelphax str ia tellus Fa ll?n), w as amp lified by PCR and cloned. The comp le ted nuc leo tide sequence of the genewas determ ined, wh ich w as the first report in China. It has 1 659 bp nucleotides and encodes 552 am ino ac ids. GenBank accession number is EF 468716. Comparison show ed that this gene had 99.9% identities on nuc leo tides level to DQ 356890, an iso late from South Korea. Based on th is sequence, Furthe r resea rches on function of groEL, such as its relation to r ice str ipe v irus transm ission, can be ca rr ied ou t.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05