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Influence on Osseous Changes of Diabetic Rat by Lycopene(PDF)


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Influence on Osseous Changes of Diabetic Rat by Lycopene
Pei Lingpeng
Institute of Chinese Traditonal Minority Medicine,Central Univeristy for Nationalties,Beijing 100081,China
d iabe tes o steopo rsis bonem ineral density ( BMD) lycopene
Eva luation of the effects o f lycopene on osseous chang e o f d iabe tic rats induced by streptozo tocin ( STZ) injected a t severa l low dosages w erem ade. In jections o f STZ fo r six w eeks to se tm ode o f the diabetic ra ts. Theyw ere randomly divided in four groups, including contro l g roup, d iabetic m ode l g roup, lycopene g roup and insu lin- trea ted d iabe tic g roup, w hose o sseous routine param ete rs w ere tested and com pared. Com pa red w ith contro l group, the bone m inera l dens ity ( BMD) , struc tura l pow er param ete rs o f bone, biolog ica l pow er param eters o f bone, bone ca lc ium, m anganese, m agnes ium and the content o f hydroxypro line in the diabetic mode l group w ere s ignificantly decreased ( P < 0.01). And the content of bone phosphorus, the activ ity o f bone and serum alka line pho sphatase ( ALP) w ere sign ifican tly ra ised (P < 0.01). Mo reover, it is significantly different between lycopene g roup and diabeticm ode l g roup in these param eters ( P < 0.01). But the cured effect o f insu lin- trea ted d iabetic group w as better than the ly copene g roup. Lycopene can reduce the inc idence of d iabetes in rats induced by streptozo tocin a t several low dosages, and re fo rm the osseous change of diabetic ra t.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05