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Robust HAlmost Disturbance Decoupling for a Class of Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems(PDF)


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Robust HAlmost Disturbance Decoupling for a Class of Time-Delay Nonlinear Systems
Bi Weiping1Wang Ruili2Zhao Yonghua1
1.College of Mathematics and Information Science,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China
non linear system s tim e-de lay robustHcontro l B ackstepp ing
RobustH contro l problem for a c lass of tim e-delay non linear system s is discussed. A recursive Lyapunovbased design approach is deve loped to construc t a new con tro l law andH contro ller. By choosing idea lLyapunov functiona ls sk illfu lly, the tim e-de lay term of non linea r system s is dealed w ith. Furtherm ore Backstepp ing me thod is ex tended. Fina lly, illustrative exam ple and sim ulation results ver ify the co rrectness o f the conc lusion.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23