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Optimal Investment and Proportional Reinsurance for Jump-Diffusion Risk Processes:Expected Value Principle(PDF)


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Optimal Investment and Proportional Reinsurance for Jump-Diffusion Risk Processes:Expected Value Principle
Liang Zhibin
School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
stochastic control H am ilton- Jacob-i Be llm an equa tion jump-diffusion process expected utility inves-t m ent propo rtiona l re insurance expected v alue princ ip le
In th is paper, we study, from the insurer. s po in t o f v iew, the optim al inv estm ent and proportional reinsurance for the jump-d iffus ion surplus processes. Assum ing that the reinsurance prem ium is ca lcu la ted acco rd ing to the expected va lue princ ip le, w e obta in the c lo sed form express ions o f the strategy and the va lue function w hich are optim al in the sense o f max im izing the expected utility from term ina lw ealth. W e a lso conc lude that the case w ith investment is a lw ay s better than the one w ithout investm ent. Som e num er ica l ex amp les are g iven, wh ich illustrate the resu lts o f this paper.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23