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Study on Ultrasonic Wave Extraction of Flavonoids From Ixeris Sonchifolia (Bge.) Hance.(PDF)


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Study on Ultrasonic Wave Extraction of Flavonoids From Ixeris Sonchifolia (Bge.) Hance.
Wang Jian’an1Li Yanzhi1Wu Guorong2Liu Xia 3Ai Junli1
1.School of Pharmaceutical Science,Jining Medical University,Rizhao 272826,China
Ix eris sonch ifolia ( Bg e. ) H ance. to tal flavono ids u ltrasonic wave ex tracting technics
The a im of the study w as to confirm the optim um techn ics cond ition o f extrac ting to tal flavono ids from Ix eris sonchifo lia ( Bge. ) H ance. by u ltrasound w av e. Based on sing le factor test, the orthogonal experim ents were conducted w ith 4 factors of ethano l concentration, the ratio o f raw m ater ia ls to so lvent, u ltrasonic pow er and extracting tim e. The im pact w ill activa te by ultrason ic pow er, concentration o f alcoho,l m a teria lliqu id ratio, ultrasonic tim e. Under the conditions of 7. 72 m ol/L ethano l as extraction so lvent, ma teria l to ethano l ratio 1.20, ultrason ic pow er 400W, extraction tim e 60m in, treating w ith u ltrasonic for tw ice repeated ly a t the tem pe rature o f 50℃ , the tota l flavono ids ex traction effi c iency can reach as h igh as 1. 102%.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23