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Effects of Cr6+ on Some Physiological Indicators of Sagittaria trifolia(PDF)


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Effects of Cr6+ on Some Physiological Indicators of Sagittaria trifolia
Wang Jun1Liu Sisi2Wang Yan2Xu Qinsong2Xie Kaibin2
1.Department of Biochemical Engineer,Yangzhou Polytechnic College,Yangzhou 225002,China
Sagittar ia trifo lia C r 6+ Antiox idant enzym e system s solub le pro te in
The effects o f C r 6+ on ch lo rophy ll content, ch lo rophy ll a /b va lue, generation rate o f O-#2 , MDA content, activ ities of SOD, POD and CAT, so luble pro te in content we re stud ied. The resu lts show tha t ch lo rophyll content, chlorophy ll a /b va lue and the generation rate o f O-#2 increase first and decrease a fterw ards w ith the concen tra tion of Cr 6+ inc reasing. MDA content increase progressively. The activ ity of SOD drops first and inc reases a fterwards, wh ile the activ-i ty of POD increases apparently first and decrease a t last. The so lub le pro te in conten t does not chang e obv iously. The activ ity of CAT is affected very different by the leaf and root. The resu lts indicate that there are different tox ic effects betw een d ifferen t organs o f a plant stressed by the sam eion.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23