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Behaviors Difference of Père David’s Deer Harem Master Between the Wild Deer and the Captive Deer During Rut(PDF)


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Behaviors Difference of Père David’s Deer Harem Master Between the Wild Deer and the Captive Deer During Rut
Ding YuhuaRen YijunXu AnhongXie ShengbingHou Libing
Dafeng Père David’s Deer National Nature Reserve,Dafeng 224136,China
Pre David’ s deer (E laphurus david ianus ) rut ha rem m aster behav iors
Dur ing thePereDav id’ s deer rut, we carried ou t behav iora l observa tions on the Pere Dav id’ s deer( E laphurus davidianus) harem master to investiga te the difference between the cap tive deer and thew ild dee r in DafengM ilu NNR. Resu lts exhib ited- the frequency d istr ibution o f the behav ior-tim e segment w ere very sign ifican t. There w as sign ifican tly d ifferen t in the ha rem master be llow ing time duration ( 9. 495s ﹢‐ 6.070s). And d ifferences appea red in tim e-be llow ing tim es duration during 06: 00~ 08: 00, 08: 00~ 10: 00, 10: 00~ 12: 00 and 12: 00~ 14: 00. And in the behav io rs-be llow ing tim es duration therew ere sign ificant w ith the resting and the ga lloping and the chasing fem a les, but not w ith the w alking and the chas ing m a les. A ll expla ined tha t the behav iors and the habits o f the w ild Pere Dav id’ s deerw ere go ing to su it for the lo ca l natural env ironm ent and the w ild P- re Dav id’ s deer we re recovering the natura l habits gradua lly.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23