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Research on Coordinated Development of Regional Tourist Economy of Jiangsu Province Based on Ecological Niche(PDF)


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Research on Coordinated Development of Regional Tourist Economy of Jiangsu Province Based on Ecological Niche
Wang Fang1Lin Miaohua2Sha Run31
1.Tourism Institute,Sanjiang University,Nanjing 210012,China
eco log ica l n iche reg iona l tourist econom y coo rdina ted deve lopm ent coordination deg ree ev aluation m ode l
Based on the theory re lated to eco log ical n iche, th is paper tr ies to establish an exploratory eva luation sy stem and a ser ies of prelim inary eva luation cr iter ia o f coordinated deve lopment o f reg iona l tourist economy. It a lso m easures the coo rd inated deve lopm ent o f reg ional tourist economy of Jiangsu Prov ince and co rresponding ly c lassifies the 13 c ities o f Jiangsu Prov ince into three grades according to their respective coord ination degree on the basis o f c luste r analysis. Accord ing ly, the first grade covers Nan jing, Suzhou andWux;i the second grade, Nantong, L ianyungang, Xuzhou, Yangzhou, Chang zhou and Zhen jiang; and the th ird grade, Huai an, Ta izhou, Suq ian and Yancheng.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23