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Grain Size Characteristics and Their Environmental Significance of Northern Jiangsu Coastal Plain(PDF)


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Grain Size Characteristics and Their Environmental Significance of Northern Jiangsu Coastal Plain
Zhao Yongjie1Chen Ye1Xu Juan2Jin Aichun1Gao Yanyun1
1.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. The No. 24M idd le School ofAnhu iH uainan, Hu ainan 232007, C hina
Sheyang Jianhu X inghua sha llow ho le g ra in size charac ter sed im entary env ironm ent
By ho rizontal comparison for gra in s ize cha racte ristics of Sheyang beach, Xinghua sha llow drilled sed im ent, the resu lts showed that the frequency curve fo r typical m ar ine sed iment is sing lepeak norm a l distr ibution, wh ich m a in peak is narrow and concentrated in the 50 ~ 65 μm, the con tent o f sand up to 40%, c lay less than 10%, and the process conten t in the cumu la tive probab ility curve accoun ted for 5%, wh ich be long ed to beach deposits; Mo reover, the frequency curve for typ ica l con tinenta l sed iment is sing le peak pa rtia l negative sta le d istr ibution and broader peak be tw een 5~ 30μm, the m ax im um content o f sand only 11%, the process content in the cumu la tive probab ility curve has none, sa ltation accoun ted fo r 70%, w hich attribute to lake sed iment; F inally, d iscuss ion the gra in s ize character istics for transition phase of sea and continenta l sedim ent in Jianhu found that 434~ 394 cm layers be longs to lake and m ar ish sed im en t; 395~ 295 cm layers is pre lim inary judge fo r the lagoon sedim entary env ironm ents; 295~ 110 cm layers affected by seaw ater; 150~ 110 cm layers are lake sedim entary env ironm ent


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Last Update: 2013-04-08