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Cooperative Evolutionary K-means Clustering Algorithm With Multi-populations(PDF)


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Cooperative Evolutionary K-means Clustering Algorithm With Multi-populations
Qu Jianhua1Shao Zengzhen2
1.School of Management and Economics,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China 2. School of Inform at ion Science and Engin eering, Shandong N orm alUn ivers ity, Jinan 250014, C h ina
mu lt-i population PSO K-m eans cooperative evo lu tion
Th is paper presents an m ixed c lustering a lgor ithm based on cooperative evo lution w ith mu lt-i populations. It adopts cooperativ e evo lutionary strategyw ith mu lt-i popu lations to chang e them ode o f trad itional search ing optim um so lutions. The whole cluster ing process is d iv ided into tw o stages. The first stag e uses the cooperative evo lutiona ry PSO algorithm to search the in itia l c lustering centers. The second stage uses theK-m eans algor ithm. The exper im ent prov ed that this m ethod w as ab le to ex trac t the correct number o f c lusters w ith good c lustering qua lity com pa red to the results obta ined from other cluster ing a lgor ithm s likeK-m eans and PSO c luste ring a lgor ithm.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08