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An Algorithm for Detecting Outlier Lines Based on Intersection Relationship for GML Data(PDF)


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An Algorithm for Detecting Outlier Lines Based on Intersection Relationship for GML Data
Zhu Juan1Ji Genlin2
1.School of Computer Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China 2. Jiangsu Research C enter of In form ation S ecu rity& Privacy Technology, N an jing 210097, C hina
GML lines intersection re la tionsh ip outlier de tection
A new a lgo rithm DOL- IR is presented for detecting outlier lines based on intersec tion re la tionsh ip for GML data. Inte rsection relations between spatia l lines and o ther spatia l ob jects a re compu ted. The d iffe rence degree betw een one line and another line is defined as the standa rd o f the d istance betw een one line and another line. A lgo rithm DBSCAN is used to detec t outlier lines based on intersection relationsh ip. The exper im enta l resu lts show that a lgo rithm DOL- IR can detec t outlie r lines based on intersection re la tionsh ip accurate ly and e ffectively.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08