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Research of Clustering Initial Center Selection(PDF)


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Research of Clustering Initial Center Selection
Yang TianxiaWang ZhiheWang HuaWang Lingyun
College of Mathematics and Information Science,Northwest Normal University,Lanzhou 730070,China
K-m eans sequentia l patterns H uffm an tree cluster ing in itial cen ter
The paper stud ied the problem o f recluster ing and red iscover ing in the sequence da tabase on the basis o f the resu lts o f sequentia l patte rn m ining. A im ing at this shortcom ing tha t it could lead to the instab ility o f c lustering results to se lect random ly the initial fo ca l po ints in the ex isting K-m eans c luster ing a lgo rithm, an in itia l center se lec tion a lgo rithm nam ed K-SPAM ( K-m eans algor ithm of sequence pa ttern m in ing based on theH uffm anM ethod) algor ithm was proposed. It was based on Hu ffm an idea. The a lgo rithm cou ld reduce probability of lo ca l optim um to a certa in ex tent. M o reover, a h ighly effic ient / and0 and / o r0 operato rs w ere adopted to ca lculate sim ilar ity betw een pa irs o f sequences. To do so could g rea tly im prove the ex ecution effic iency of the a lgor ithm.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08