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Research on Parallel Algorithm of Mass Data Fitting Based on MPI(PDF)


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Research on Parallel Algorithm of Mass Data Fitting Based on MPI
Feng Xiaodan1Liang Li1Yuan Lingyun1Gao Lijin1Wang Wenyuan2
1.School of Computer Science and Information Technology,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650092,China
M PI cluster system pa ra lle l a lgo rithm data fitting linear
The linearmodel fitting o f para lle l a lgo rithm is descr ibed, the d istr ibu tion of tasks, comm un ica tion costs, load ba lancing and other issues of the pa ra lle l algorithm are ana ly zed. V ia the realization o f po lynom ia l parallel fitting in the PC c luste r env ironment, the running tim e difference be tw een the se rial and para llel polynom ia l fitting is com pared and the perform ance o f the parallel a lgor ithm is d iscussed. The exper imenta l results confirm the feas ibility o f establish ing a cluster env ironm en t for solv ing the prob lem s ex ist in large data po lynom ia l fitting, such as the w ide range and the slow ca lcu la tion speed.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08