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On Asian Option Pricing for Generalized Model of Black-Scholes Model(PDF)


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On Asian Option Pricing for Generalized Model of Black-Scholes Model
Liu Guoxiang1Chen Bo2Weng Qin3
1.School of Mathematical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China 2. School ofM athem atics and In form ation Techno logy, J iangsu Inst itute of Educat ion, Nanj ing 210013, Chin a 3. Ch inaM erch ants Bank, Jiangyin 214431, Ch ina
B lack-Scho les A sian option pr ic ing m easure transfo rm s
Assum ed that the financia l asset is stock w ith consecutive capita l bonus rate or sto chastic vo latility, the paper gets the co rresponding pr ic ing of the Asian ca ll option and the uppe r bound of arthme tic averag eA sian option prices


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Last Update: 2013-04-11