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Upper Estimate on Multifractal Spectrum of Local Dimension for Recurrence Time(PDF)


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Upper Estimate on Multifractal Spectrum of Local Dimension for Recurrence Time
Yan Zhenzhen1Chen Ercai2Li Lei1
1.School of Science,Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications,Nanjing 210003,China 2. School ofM athem at ical Sciences, Nanj ing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210046, Ch ina
m ultifracta l ana lysis loca l d im ensions for recurrence time H ausdor ff dim ension ( q τ)-dim ension
Th is paper is dedica ted to study mu ltifracta l decom po sition of loca l dim ens ion fo r Po incar?recurrence tim e. The uppe r estim ate on m ultifracta l spec trum w ith H ausdorff d im ension o f local dim ens ion for Po incar?recurrence tim e is ob tained.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11