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Preparation and Characterization of Amorphous Nateglinide(PDF)


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Preparation and Characterization of Amorphous Nateglinide
Ma ChaoLi GangZhu KanCheng Xiaoqing
Analysis and Testing Center,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
nateg linide am orphous so lution rate
Am orphous nateg linide w as prepared by a so lvent rem ova l process, using pure H-fo rm nateg lin ide tha t is a kind of poo rly w ater-so luble antidiabetic drug as the raw m ater ia.l The amo rphous nateg lin idew as cha racte rized by h ighpe rfo rm ance liquid chrom atog raphy (H PLC ), X- ray diffraction ( XRD), differential scann ing calor ime try ( DSC) , Four ier- transform infrared spectrome try ( FT- IR) , and so lu tion test. Resu lts obta ined from the ana lysis revealed that the produced nateg linide was in amo rphous sta te, and therew as neither o ther chem ical reaction nor raw m ater ia l decom posed in the so lv ent remova l pro cess, and the resu lt o f the so lu tion test show ed that so lution rate of the am orphous nateg linidew as sign ificantly enhanced when compared w ith the crysta lline na teg lin ide. The results demonstra te that the so lvent remova l process is a direct and feasiblem ethod wh ich could be utilized for improvem en t o f the solution property of the poor ly water- so lub le crystalline nateg lin ide.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11