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Declines of Farmland and Pond Frogs in Thirteen Provinces in China(PDF)


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Declines of Farmland and Pond Frogs in Thirteen Provinces in China
Dai JianhuaMa JiayueXu LinglinWei YongqiangGu YifanZhou Kaiya
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology,School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
China farm land and pond frogs dec lines
F ie ld trips for frog spec im ens w ere made in Fu jian, Jiangx ,i Zhe jiang, Jiangsu, H unan, Hube,i Anhu,i H enan, H ebe,i Shandong, Shanx,i L iaon ing and Jilin prov inces betw een the year o f 2004 and 2009. The dec lines o f fa rm land and pond frogs in these areas w ere reco rded dur ing the fie ld w orks. Threats to frog s include loss and degradation of hab itat, po llution, overfishing, and effects o f a lien invasive spec ies. M easures for conserv ation of farm land and pond frogs w ere recomm ended.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11