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Optimization of Hybridization Conditions and Specific Verification for 16S rRNA Oligonucleotide Probe of Endophytic Bacteria Strain XG32(PDF)


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Optimization of Hybridization Conditions and Specific Verification for 16S rRNA Oligonucleotide Probe of Endophytic Bacteria Strain XG32
Liu JiaWang MeixiaYan ShuzhenChen Shuanglin
Jiangsu Engineering and Technology Research Center for Microbiology,School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
fluorescence in situ hybridization optim ization o f the hybr id ization conditions verification of spec ific probe
F luorescence in situ hybr id ization w as applied to investiga te the cloning and distr ibution of the endophy tic bacter ia stra in XG32 w ith the ro le of grow th-prom oting and d isease contro l in plan ts. Firstly, a spec ific probe w as designed theo re tica lly at the base on the m id- spec ific sequence o f the 16S rRNA of the stra in XG32 w ith the GenBank da tabase, BLAST prog ram, DNAc lub so ftwa re and Oligo softw are. Second ly, 12 stra ins wh ich sim ilar o r adjacen t to the stra in XG32 w ere used to ce rtify the spec ific ity of the probe by repeated hybrid ization in the basis o f the su itab le cond itions o f hybridization. The results ind ica ted that appropriate cond itions fo r hybridization o f the probe w ere 35% fo rmam ide and 1.2 mo l/L NaC l in hybr idiza tion bu ffer, 42℃ hybr id iza tion tem pera ture, 0.02 mol/L NaC l in w ash ing buffer. The hyb rid ization signal was clear betw een the probe XG32 and the stra in XG32. To sum up, the probe XG32 w as the specific probe o f the strain XG32.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11