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Study on Curative Effect of Enrofloxacin Compound With Pu Powder to Bacterial Septicemi of Carassius Auratus Gibelio


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Study on Curative Effect of Enrofloxacin Compound With Pu Powder to Bacterial Septicemi of Carassius Auratus Gibelio
Wang Xida1Chen Hui1Sha Sha2Liu Xunmeng1Wu Guorong2
1.Jiangsu Center for Control and Prevention of Aquatic Animal Disease,Nanjing 210036,China 2. S chool of L ife S ciences, Nan jing N orm alUn ivers ity, N an jing 210046, Ch ina
Enro floxac in Pu Powder Carassius auratu s gibelio bacter ia l septicem i curative e ffect
To study the be tter drugs and e ffective trea tm ent m ethod to bacter ia l septicem i o f Carassius aura tus gibelio, th is pape r used Enro flox acin, Pu Powder and En roflox acin com pound w ith Pu Pow der respective ly to cure the disease to com pa re the e ffect accrod ing to study ing the inh ibition out o f body and the cure ra te fed w ith drug s. The resu lt o fM IC andMBC show ed that the inh ib ition of the test groups o f enrofloxac in compound w ith Pu Pow de r was obv iously h igher than groups o f sing le drug. The effic iency of oral test show ed tha t the leve l of groups of enroflox ac in and enro floxac in com pound w ith Pu Pow der w as sign ificantly higher than the contrast group( P < 0??01). 1:6 as the propo rtion o f com?? pound enro floxac in to Pu Pow der w as the best propo rtion, and the cure rate o f th is group w as 91.8%.


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Last Update: 2013-04-11