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An Improved Self-Adaptive Projection Method for Solving Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems(PDF)


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An Improved Self-Adaptive Projection Method for Solving Generalized Nash Equilibrium Problems
Li XiaohuanHe HongjinHan Deren
School of Mathematical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
projection method generalized Nash equilibrium problem quas-ivariationa linequality co-coercive
Th is paper presents an im proved se l-f adaptive pro jection me thod fo r generalized Nash equ ilibrium problem s, wh ich can be found w ide applications in econom ics, managem ent sc iences and tra ffic assignm ent, etc. The g loba l convergence o f the new m ethod is established under the co- coe rc ive assum ption, and pre lim inary num er ica l results demonstrate the proposed m ethod is re liab le and e fficient in practice.


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Last Update: 2011-06-15