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Fidelity,Tunneling,and Quantum Expectation Value of Energy for a Periodically Kicked Free Top


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Fidelity,Tunneling,and Quantum Expectation Value of Energy for a Periodically Kicked Free Top
Liu DakeYang Shuangbo
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for NSLSCS,School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
topfidelitytunneling effectquantum expectation value for energy
0413. 1
This paper studies fidelity,tunneling,and the quantum expectation value of energy for a periodically kicked free top. The study found that,with the strengthλ increased the classical phase space portraits transform from the regular track to island and finally complete chaotic. When α=π/2,λ=3. 0,fidelity that the initial coherent state corresponds to the fixed point is the highest and presents regular periodic change. Fidelity that the initial coherent state corresponds to regular track presents irregular change. Fidelity that the initial coherent state corresponds to chaos reduces drastically. When α=1. 0,λ=2. 0,two coherent states that correspond to the centre of two islands can mutually tunnel each other, the period of tunneling will be greatly reduced when chaos set in. Quantum expectation values of energy for regular and chaotic region are quasi-periodic,but the manifestations are different.


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Last Update: 2014-06-30