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Analysis of Factors Influencing the Seniors’ Healthy and LeisureTravel Decision Based on the Probit Model——A Case Study of Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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Analysis of Factors Influencing the Seniors’ Healthy and LeisureTravel Decision Based on the Probit Model——A Case Study of Jiangsu Province
Tan Zhijuan1Huang Zhenfang2Wu Limin2Zhang Ziang2
(1.Business College,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225127,China)(2.School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
healthy and leisure travelinfluential factors of the decisionProbit modelJiangsu Province
Exploiting the questionnaires from 578 senior travellers in Jiangsu Province,the paper quantitatively analyses the relationship between 19 influential factors and decisions of the senior healthy and leisure travellers based on a Bivariate Discrete Probit Choice Model. The influential factors are guided into three main variables:population characteristics,the pull factors of the tourist destinations and the push factors of the tourists. The result shows that the modified visitor decision-influenced Probit model exhibits statistical significance. Age,degree of education,health conditions,the ecological environment of the destination,the leisure endowment supporting facilities,the medical level and the economic conditions of the travellers indicate obvious correlation with the decisions. Among the variables,the age and the degree of education have the negative influence,and the others are positive. The findings have important theoretical significances and application values to guide the development of the senior healthy and leisure tourism in the future.


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Last Update: 2016-03-30